Image for 99 Ways to Handle Tough, Challenging Behavior

99 Ways to Handle Tough, Challenging Behavior

Strategies that Provide Immediate Results!

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Earn 5 Clock Hours When You Pass Exam


*This course may not be approved in your state. Please check your state registry database or with your local state contact to see if this type of course is approved in your state.

OK Registry and MI Registry. Be sure to notify us at info@atiseminars upon course completion. Provide your name, course name, state name and your Registry ID after successfully completing your online exam.

Registration size 1-4 people: $34 per person

Registration size 5+ people: $29 per person

Watch the Recording at Your Leisure.

Does your state require credit be added to a training system or registry?
If yes, then email after completing and passing your end of course exam:
I have completed and passed the exam for the following: ____name of course_______.

An Entire Training That Solves Discipline Dilemmas!

 You're already a Difference Maker; Become a Life Changer

 Specific Areas that will be Covered:

  • Five Major Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Easily Fix Them 
  • Reasons Children Misbehave 
  • The Two Most Important Strategies to Reach Challenging Children 
  • Keys to Handling Misbehavior 
  • Tips for Active Children 
  • Key Phrases to Gain Cooperation 
  • Identify and Avoid the Top 10 Teacher Talk Traps 
  • How to Teach Children Self-Control and be More Responsible 
  • Special Signals for Achieving Order in the Classroom 
  • Common Mistakes Teachers Do that Cause Children to Resist 
  • The Four Stages of Anger and the Best Strategy for Each Stage 
  • Discover The Most Important Thing to Help Children be More Successful 
  • How to Listen to Understand vs Listen to Reply 
  • The Power of PVSA (Proximity, Voice, and Situational Awareness) 
  • Phrases to Use that Help Children be More Receptive 
  • The 3 x 10 Technique that Breaks Down Barriers 

You'll Find Answers for All these Common Early Childhood Classroom Dilemmas!

  • Anger
  • Biting 
  • Bullying 
  • Children Who Can’t Be Still 
  • Children Who Can't Keep Their Hands to Themselves. 
  • Children Who Won’t Nap 
  • Defiance 
  • Disrespect 
  • Excessive Talking 
  • Hitting 
  • Lying 
  • Meltdowns 
  • Talking Back 
  • Tantrums 
  • Tattling 
  • Whining


5-Hour Certificate

After viewing, pass a brief follow-up quiz for a 5-hour certificate. (Retake fee $5)

CDA CANDIDATES: This training can be applied toward the CDA formal early childhood training requirement of 120 hours.

Category: Discipline/Guidance & Development Child Growth and Development Child Discipline/Interactions Observation and Assessment of Behaviors


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Image for 99 Ways to Handle Tough, Challenging Behavior

99 Ways to Handle Tough, Challenging Behavior


5 Clock Hours