Building Bridges to the Future
Webinar recorded on November 14, 2020.
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Earn 5 Clock Hours When You Pass Exam
Included in this Recording of a "Live" Online Training on November 14, 2020.
*This course may not be approved in your state. Please "Choose Your State" from our homepage to filter only trainings approved for your state.
Registration size 1-4 people: $34 per person
Registration size 5+ people: $29 per person
Watch the Recording at Your Leisure.
Does your state require credit be added to a training system or registry?
if yes, then email statecredit@atiseminars.org after completing and passing your end of course exam:
I have completed and passed the exam for the following: ____name of course_______.
Included in this Recording of our "Live" Online Training from November 14, 2020 are the following topics:
How to Talk to Kids So They Will Listen
Positive-proven strategies to help children listen the first time * Learn words to avoid and words to use instead * How to turn "no" into "yes" * The skills you will learn in this powerful session are based on Maryln Appelbaum's best-selling book, How to Talk to Kids So They Listen, and they really work.
Hip Hop Hurray! Wonderful Ways to Incorporate PLAY
Young children as they play. Receive great play activities for children to have fun and be creative as they explore. Great DIY play activities that foster creativity, friendship, and fun that children will love.
Stress SOS: The Ultimate Guide to Managing Stress and Preventing Burnout!
How to stay calm and cool no matter what happens * Great strategies for coping with stress especially during covid-19 times * Quick relaxation techniques for work or home * 30+ practical tips, strategies, and ways to beat stress before it beats you
Insider’s Scoop on Having Great Relationships with Parents
12 most common communication barriers * Avoid roadblocks that damage parent relationships and build teams with parents * Communicate calmly even in emotionally charged situations * Learn how to assert yourself, resolve conflicts, and enlist parent cooperation * Five ways to develop better relationships with parents and families
5 Hour Certificate
After viewing, pass a brief follow-up quiz for a 5-hour certificate. (Retake fee $5)
CDA CANDIDATES: This training can be applied toward the CDA formal early childhood training requirement of 120 hours.
Category: Child Growth and Development Professionalism